Our clients asked us to design characters that reflect diverse personalities, representing various ethnicities, nationalities, and professions. The initial character concepts were much more exaggerated and stylized, but they were later adjusted to feature more realistic proportions. I aimed to strike a balance between realism and stylization through toon shading and cartoonish texturing.
브랜드의 글로벌한 고객들을 반영하여 다양한 인종, 국적, 직업을 가진 개성 있는 캐릭터들를 디자인했습니다. 초기 캐릭터 콘셉트는 훨씬 더 과장되고 2D에 가까운 디자인이었지만, 이후 현실적인 비율의 캐릭터로 수정되었습니다. 카툰풍 텍스쳐와 셀 셰이딩을 활용해 현실적인 디자인과 스타일라이즈된 스타일 사이에 균형을 맞추는 것이 목표였습니다.
Early Concept Drawings
Concept Sketch - Guitarist
Concept Sketch - DJ, Influencer
Concept Sketch - Entrepreneur
Concept Sketch - Soccer Player
Concept Sketch - Soccer Player
Final Look
Given the diverse nationalities and professions of the characters, background design played a crucial role. We crafted cityscapes showcasing iconic landmarks and spaces tailored to reflect each character’s professional identity.
전 세계 곳곳의 캐릭터들이 등장하는 만큼 캐릭터의 국적과 직업이 반영된 배경을 디자인했습니다.
Unused styleframe, Hong Kong
Unused styleframe, Ibiza
Soccer stadium, Brazil
The client requested a project with a 2D aesthetic, so we began our style exploration using toon render techniques. We proposed two approaches: one with painterly brushstroke textures and another with a bold black cutout cartoon style. In the end, we decided to combine elements from both styles to achieve the final look.
Here are some early-stage style frames side by side for comparison!
프로젝트 초반 클라이언트와 전체적인 스타일과 톤앤매너를 논할 때, 두 가지 렌더 스타일을 제안했습니다. 첫 번째는 회화적인 붓터치 텍스처를 활용한 방식, 두 번째는 강렬한 블랙 컷아웃을 활용한 카툰 스타일을 제안했습니다. 최종적으로 두 스타일의 요소를 조합하여 원하는 느낌을 완성하기로 결정했습니다.
아래는 프로젝트 초반 제안했던 스타일프레임들입니다.
Below is a breakdown video of some rigging work I did.
Copyright © 2025 Yoonjoo Lee
Hi! My name is Yoonjoo Lee, but you can just call me Yoon!
I am a passionate Motion graphic designer and New media artist who produces digital artwork based on analog craftsmanship.
I love creating beautiful, captivating visuals that convey a story with unexpected ideas, empathy, and humor.
I'm currently based in Seoul, South Korea,
but I'm open to working globally!
south_east ananjuk0207@gmail.com
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Copyright © 2025 Yoonjoo Lee